Sunday, January 29, 2006


6:30p.m. : I decided to save my finishing touches on my FF7 medley and clicked the save button.
6:30p.m.: Sibelius pops up a message, some sort of error somewhere.
6:31p.m.: I closed the software. Sibelius always has auto-backup.
6:32p.m.: tried to opened up the file, corrupted.
6:33p.m.: searched auto-save files, tried opening them, corrupted as well.

That's 400 bars of music down into the cyber sewerage. My sweat and blood!

6:50p.m.: finished grieving. resigned to blogging this as the only last memoir of the work.

Adios FF7!


北海道的大黑熊 said...
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北海道的大黑熊 said...


how can?? i was already looking forward to playing the chocobo music once more...*sigh*

Perhaps you can email the corrupted files to me? I can try opening them. It could be your Sibelius program itself is corrupted but the music files can still be saved..

Anonymous said...

yah, maybe because your Sibelius is not original? Anyway just keep the 'corrupted files' as it doesn't make sense that an error cwill cause all your files to be corrupted at the same time.

kallaboo said...

Oh man!?! That’s blardy fucked!

Time to invest in an external hard disk for backup next time.

Yes I found your blog, LS. You can run but you can’t hide haha.. And you may (or may not) be pleased to know that I read the whole thing. There’s not much of it anyhow. You seem to have missed out two entire months called october and november. AND you seem to have yet discovered where the title field is in your compose page.

So the old car is gone, you went to some nice places to earn yourself some nice fotos and a knee injury and you’re still obsessed about guitar though you have somehow managed to resist purchasing one. Blogs are so useful eh?

I would like to see the look on Dominic’s face when he finds out what you’ve been broadcasting about him over the world wide web. His surname is really Lan? *stifled laugh*

btw, i hear there's a software that can salvage what's not corrupted of your corrupted files. Do a search on google.