Besides the awesome graphics and storyline anticipation, the game offers very much a revision of Lord of the Rings. Why? Cos most of the characters, other than Penelo and Vaan, all speak in Medivial tongue.
"Make haste, we must."
The speech done by the characters in the game are quite witty(in the English sense) at times, makes me wonder if they've developed it more on a English platform than Japanese.
Orchestration of the game music is fantastic, starting from the Prelude at the "Start/Load game" screen; the melacholic harp arpeggio, typical of FF series, enhanced with a choral voice and orchestral garnish, almost bidding the Playstation 2 console a final farewell.
The gameplay is new, with plenty of on-field attacking, rather than battle screen mode. Much of the game reminds me of FFVI, which was also quite based on the same setting, huge armors clanging and empires ruling, not forgetting the Espers and all. And it seems Omega(weapon) is back, or it's reincarnation.
Friends out there who've NOT gotten your PS2 or PS3, please do yourself a favour.
yEs! Yes! An absolutely fabulous world is Ivalice. Kupo!
the Hionghiong moOGLe
No wonder the blogging rate is diminished somewat...
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