Friday, October 26, 2007

Here we go!

国大六弦琴乐队GENUS与子团GENUS Expose!

六弦琴乐队GENUS与其子团GENUS Expose!将为大家呈献一台曲风迥异的音乐会。演奏曲目包括已故探戈作曲家皮亚佐拉充满活力的《米开朗基罗70》、加朗的《兴致勃勃》,以及十分悦耳动听的电影动画片《埃及王子》的插曲。活泼跳跃的音符,将带给大家一个难忘的星期天下午。

13 Jan (Sun)
Potpourri on Strings
NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS) and Expose!

The guitar ensembles Expose! And GENUS are proud to present a diverse repertoire accessible to all such as Piazolla’s spirited Michelangelo 70, J. Garland’s In the Mood and entertaining music from animated feature The Prince of Egypt. Expose! and GENUS promise an enjoyable afternoon of music and an unforgettable experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So exciting! Will there be a poster? I checked the esplanade website. Our event still not up :(