Sunday, December 28, 2008


This is one of the those Madonna songs that I really like and have just re-visited recently after cleaning up the CDs at my workplace. The music is cool, simple and lyrics are just one kind.

The constrant conflict of being hung up on and hanging up on someone is intertwined nicely within the repetitions of the lyrics.

Anyway, she's really great with stage presence and all. Go see for yourself, her concert videos are great. Her accompanying dancers are fantastic.

Hung up
Every little thing that you say or do
I'm hung up
I'm hung up on you
Waiting for your call
baby night and day
I'm fed up
I'm tired of waiting on you

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait
No time to hesitate
Those who run seem to have all the fun
I'm caught up
I don't know what to do

Ring, ring, ring goes the telephone
The lights are on but there's no-one home
Tick tick tock it's a quarter to two
And I'm done
I'm hangin' up on you

I can't keep on waiting for you
I know that you're still hesitating
Don't cry for me
'cause I'll find my way
You'll wake up one day
But it'll be too late

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Little Drummer Boy

This Celtic version is rather mysterious and religious sounding.

I like the verse "the ox and lamb kept time"! hahahha =)

Holy cow!

Monday, December 22, 2008

SWS @ Botanic Gardens

Well, thanks to Edwin, I'm some photos of the performance to share.
It was a very pleasant surprise to see him with TWO(not one!) ladies there! Unfortunately his sitting position did not allow him to 左拥右抱。Hahahah =)

I loved the piece sang by the Santa Maria Choir, Little Drummer Boy. Really nice harmony.

Nice, confident sound from the band and familiar christmas tunes. Made it a really relaxed evening.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Xmas concert

Singapore Wind Symphony with the Santa Maria Choir
presents an evening of Christmas classics"CHRISTMAS HARMONY"
conducted by Resident Conductor Mr Regan Wickman
Venue: Botanic Gardens, Shaw Foundation Stage
Date: 21st December 2008
Time: 6pm
Sleigh Ride (Leroy Anderson)
A Christmas Festival (Leroy Anderson)
Westminster Carol (trad. arr. James L. Hosay)
Excerpts from The Nutcracker (P. I. Tchaikovsky)
Excerpts from Water Music (G. F. Handel)
Celtic Carol (arr. Robert W. Smith)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Xmas is coming!

Rehearsing with SWS has been a remarkable experience. They project very confidently and most of them are VERY VERY LOUD. I bruised my lip while trying to play to hear myself when the entire band plays in forte or fortissimo. The piccolo player is on my left and he plugs his own ear when he plays the piccolo.

During yesterday's rehearsal,
I asked him, "You plug your ears because the piccolo is loud?"
He answered, "Yes, the piccolo is too loud!"
My thoughts, "Huh??? Then don't play so loud!"
I answered him, "Yes, I should wear some plugs myself!"

I performed at St. George's Church with them for the first time. My debut performance on the oboe in a wind symphony. Had a few short solos, was pretty fun, and I had the tuning job too, which was rather scary at first.

The church was a nice place to play in, acoustics were good, not too wet nor dry.

Bible provided! Can't figure out what's the little box for though

From the side

From where I was seated

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chocolate in your face!

That's my dear dog, Chocolate. He looks very contented after a bath and having his hair(fur?) brushed.
He really looks like the typical tissue box deco cover eh?

Looks easy...

Kids doing their drills during the holidays. We've to submit a video as a prerequisite for entering the SYF Central Judging.

The not-so-proficient ones...

The more pro ones.
The kids can do the marching and playing well enough if the activities are seperated.
When they do both at the same time, it can get quite sticky. Legs don't obey hands or vice versa. It's not easy, but it looks damn easy.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Secret Shop?

Please.... please.... please....

Run along to Esplanade Library and order a Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwich and their Ice Blended White Chocolate with whipped cream. It's really good.

Perfect for a delightful snack or a light meal.

It's a must-have for me everytime i visit the library!

Can we buy scores from the library?

One of the silliest things that have happened to me.

You see, I heard this piece called Malambo in Ginastera's Estancia. Fascinated I was, so I went online to purchase the score(along with it the four scottish dances). And then I went to Esplanade and found the score there too!!! Ok never mind, since I've already bought it online, there's nothing much I could do. Thing is, I decided to read the score first and borrowed it home. And weeks after I can't seem to find it at all!!! I've ransacked my shelves and all but alas, it's been misplaced.

Days after, the online purchase arrived. I thought about replacing the library's copy with mine(it's exactly the same version/publisher and newer-looking) but I thought the library probably don't have this policy of one-to-one exchange. And so I reported the loss and paid for the book. It's costs $35, which is about the same price(if not less) from the online store.

Which makes me wonder; Maybe I should have "bought" it from the Library instead?
(What do you call this? despicable? inconsiderate? ultimate low life?)

Hmmm.... are there people who do that?

Monday, December 08, 2008

Tune to A and Bb

I attended the Philharmonic Winds concert on Sunday. They are still as impressive and musical, enjoyed the sound and blend of the wind orchestra.

They played rather "unfamiliar" tunes to the general public and in wind band literature. Nonetheless, I enjoyed most of the pieces except the Saxophone concerto. The tone of the Sax is definitely rich and good, but I think the concerto was a bit over my head, as in, I didn't know how to really appreciate it.

There was a piece from czech and it was certainly the most entertaining to listen to. The conductor spent a couple of minutes interpreting the work before setting out to perform the entire piece; talked about the Russian invasion and the use of various instruments and techniques to represent certain activities/people.

A link: This is one of those weeks I rehearsed under several conductors in a short span of a few days. Different conductors bring out a different sound from a group, and I think this "sound" aspect can turn out to be quite important.

I rehearsed a modern interpretation of "The Butterfly Lovers" today, not the oriental version, it's an european one, written for Erhu and Wind Band. The piece is composed based on the same oriental story, but given a modern/western interpretation. It's interesting but can't help but feel that some of the parts just don't seem to form a nice scene to me. Well, it could be because subconciously I still think the Oriental version still reigns! And believe me not, I think those younger members of the band have never heard of the story before!

Generation g a p !

John Golland's Atmospheres is such a beauty! Superb composition. Period. It's a little like the 4 elements thing that my quartet is trying to do, brings the music and the interpretation to the next level! Playing it is an immense learning experience, hope I can get hold of the Cor Anglais soon!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Observe the single finger tremolo!!! Pro! 

Is he the fastest fingers on Earth?

Such technique! Think it's the fastest version I've ever heard. and the runs are like super loud.

It's also so fast till the orchestra can barely "contain" the guitar. It is not as well-connected at certain areas and the blend between the solo and the orchestra isn't that good.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Very amazing drummer! The hands are so fast! And she can switch her hold on the drum sticks while playing!

This pop/contemporary style is so different from its symphonic counterpart. It does resemble the ethnic percussion tradition where the music structure goes through cycles.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Excuse me, did you lose something?!?!?

One of those hectic days where I did 3 heads in school today. 1 perm and 2 cuts. Plus yesterday's perm, that makes 4.
My friends in school are very supportive and many'd say I did quite a decent job. Anyway, here's a video I found while trying to get sneak peaks into Desperate Housewives. I find it hilarious.

Notice also the nice-sounding tango that goes with it. Passion!

Faster faster!

I went to ballot for the rehearsal slot at the Singapore Conference Hall for the SYF next year, and must say I'm quite amused by the way they did it.

At the lobby,
1. Queue up to take a balloting slip. (about 150 school representatives)
2. Write your school name.
3. Dump it into a box.

In the hall,
1. short briefing (10 min)
2. One person starts to draw out the slips. School that is called comes up to choose their preferred slot.
3. Head downstairs to make payment of deposit of 200 cash or cheque.
4. Queue again.

Well, this took about 2 hours???

There must be some way to make this happen in less than an hour?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Korean Joke

This goes out to Celine Wan.

Hope you don't sing like this after you get proficient on Korean.

Should have done this for Wulang's wedding.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Boston Brass

The brass concert, featuring the Boston Brass, was inspiring. Now we really know why the standard orchestra don't need so many of them. With about 4 to 5 from each section of brass is enough to blow your brains out, literally.

The highlight of the evening was of course Boston Brass, who clearly showed that musicianship should not be restricted to the instrument itself. I was very impressed with how much they could do outside their repertoire and instrumentation.

I do hope they come every year!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Out of the frying pan!

Is NUS that busy these days? I see many of our ensemble juniors face green green lidat, esp. the year twos.

Uni days were one of the periods I didn't do much leh. Hmmm... besides skipping lectures and tutorials, I spent quite a bit of time at YIH study room surfing. Of course there were terrible periods when assignments were to be handed up, but the images are quite forgotten. Selective memory I guess.

Anyway, I'm glad that I'm out of school. I sometimes miss the carefree days then, but I am also reminded how carefree I am now too. Working is still better lah, and with my job, it's really quite miraculously enjoyable.

Friday, October 31, 2008


I happen to stumble upon my form class's blog today. Really pleasantly surprised to see that. Why? You see, I've used a different tactic with this people, different from the ones I used previously, and miraculously, the kids did more on their own than relied on me.

I am really happy because....

1. Many of them really worked harder for the EOY exams and managed to get themselves promoted without moderation from their subject teachers. (FYI, my class is very weak in Math and Science, only 2 passed their Sec. 2 math before promoting to Sec. 3.... brrrr......)

2. Many teachers are happy with most of them. My colleagues even make the effort to praise them in front of me.

3. They won 2nd prize in the Best class competition, losing to the Pure Science class, which is afterall made up of the elites. I had no part in this, there were several criterias in the judging and they managed somehow.

4. Many of them are growing up and making more sense in their thoughts and actions. I didn't have to roar much this year, thanks to them. I think I only roared once. Guess where? Sungei Buloh nature reserve, cos they couldn't stop talking and made so much noise. What an irony.

5. The kids are taking some initiative in their academic progress and school life. The class blog set up is also for HOMEWORK REMINDERS next year. oh my god.... so enthu.... heh heh

I feel that the most important ingredient in all this is ........


I tell you, students are goons. hahahha =)

Anyway, along the blog which I stumbled upon, I found two of them lamenting that had they worked harder last year, they would not have repeated; and more importantly is that repeating Sec. 3 hurts badly and they learnt to cope and grow up with it. Why? cos their Sec. 4 friends are sitting for their O levels now! not tasty at all.....

I guess sometimes people grow up the hard way. Though they wasted one year, but the lesson learnt is invaluable and will help keep them on track in the future. I can't help but feel that they are meant to do greater things and everything happens for a reason.

I say no more spoon-feeding I say.
It's Pizza-feeding time!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Impressive Impressions

Impressions of Japan played by a marching band in a display competition.


Friday, October 03, 2008


Like very sua gu leh... red banana! I never seen one before. So when my friend offered one to me, I was like exclaiming to her how weird it looks. She said she's been eating it since she was little... Anyone else seen or eaten it before?

Make me feel a little less sua gu!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


人生 梦如路长
红尘里 美梦有多少方向

人生是 梦的延长
何从何去 你我心中方向

人间路 快乐少年郎
红尘里 快乐有多少方向

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dawn of a new chapter

A conservatory student came by on Saturday to listen to Xpose rehearse, and to find out more about the niibori instruments. As it seems, she was asked to compose a piece for a guitar quartet/quintet. I thought it was for the June concert next year, but she mentioned that it was to be premiered during the NUS Arts Festival 2009, in a fringe performance, which I thought was a less than delightful choice of event.

Anyway, on the upside of it, I think we've come a long way to have local students compose for a guitar instrumental group. Sure is some good news.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Visit to the Singapore Flyer

Visited the Singapore Flyer today with a couple of staff from school.

Quite scenic from above I must say, but I kinda feel that there's something wrong with the air, or the air pressure. Seems harder to breathe. It's amazing how much money Singapore has invested in setting up the vicinity of the integrated resort.

Frankly I wouldn't like to have a meal up there. (just in case there's throwing up)

Some of that walking reminded me about the feeling of "going places". I think it's seriously time to look at travel plans!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008










Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Sometimes it's better to take a step back and admit that effort does not always bring success. Not always where and when you desire the success to be anyway.

As a musician, we must come to terms with ourselves; everyone's ability/progress in music is different.

Music is not an academic paper. It does not mean that endless practice always guarantees good performance. Sometimes it is time that nurtures that experience and musical stamina.

What I always ask myself is, that, does my music sound good? Do I derive pleasure from performing it? Will the audience enjoy it?

There's no point playing an extremely difficult concerto if all we present are technique flaws, musical inadequacies and the final revelation on stage that we are just not ready YET.


Thursday, August 14, 2008


yay!!! I've just learnt how to link the imeem playlist with my blog.
hah hah cool. (Parang probably shaking his head...)

Ok la, for an ex-computer engineer undergrad, I'm pretty slow at this kind of things. Actually I never consider myself to have graduated.

How on Earth had I chose to do Computer in "A" levels and to come to this state of total disassociation with the subject?

I think it is virtually impossible that I'll ever do a job that is desk-bound. I can't imagine how dry and withered my life would become, sitting in front of that computer everyday, or attending corporate meetings on a weekly basis. I think I'd rather be a hairdresser/full time baby-sitter than doing that!

I always wondered why I've never set foot onto becoming a vet. It's one of my ambitions when I was young. But, somehow, it never made it to any part of my life and I've never begun to do any work in that field in my life.

Perhaps in another alternate universe, exists my reality as a vet.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008






Friday, August 01, 2008

Don't ask me where I sit...

I've decided to do some cleaning up on my part. For my school desk that is.

So here's the "BEFORE":

Hopefully, by next week, I'll be ready with the "AFTER".

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some kid thing

I wonder if anywhere in Singapore sells this....

I'm no fan of Illidan or the SoulKeeper(Parang seems to favour this character, I prefer Anti-Mage), but the action figure does look very cool.

Mateus, the corrupt.

cool right? Anyway, I suddenly started surfing for FF action figures... some really very nice looking.

Knights of the Round !!!

Monday, July 28, 2008


At first I thought it's some children's play. Hahahah... turned out not. The kids are good lah. Pro man.


GENUS is yet again plagued by an old and familiar disease.

Bad Sound.

After sitting in to listen for the last rehearsal, I realised that the portion of bad sound compared to good sound is on the rise. You will notice it when there much less "Dong" sound and much more "Tong" and the ultimate "TANG" sound. Of course, with it comes the lack of tone as well.

I think many of the players don't realise they are making music. Perhaps playing music to them is like answering Math questions for an exam(the concert). If you get 75% of them right, you get your A1. And it doesn't matter if your handwriting(tone) is hell-forsaken as well.

This issue needs to be addressed because I believe that a person will naturally stay away from bad sounds; i'm talking about audience and even the player him/herself.

pirates of the CarriFeAn

After hearing it from SH and Barber, I checked my email and realised that in the meeting that I did not attend, whoever in the meeting has managed to morph my SYF concert idea into their use. Here's the interesting idea.

GENUS is going to charge 500 bucks for doing workshops with Sec. schools participating in the SYF, of course, with respect to their SYF pieces. And the money earned is going to be used to support the arrival and lodging of the german group performing with GENUS next June.

I'm a bit annoyed because, the workshop idea was one of the proposals I submitted to Jacey for Xpose's concert. I have also talked about it with Robert once when he called me regarding the concert plans for GENUS. What I had in mind was that, we invite students(the good ones) to perform with us, do a bit of piece analysis and technique stuff with them in a few sessions. In turn, they purchase the tickets for our concert.

Anyway, it didn't feel right when they use my proposal for their own use without asking. Much less it's when part of the money earned goes to Robert's composition and the German group. I mean, CFA should pay for Robert's composition if they want it to be premiered.

Why should the players fund-raise for the conductor's composition?

How can GENUS charge for workshops, considering their standard now?
(I think some JC/schools are better loh.)

Local band instructors may charge up to 1000 bucks per month. and that's like 3 sessions per week, each rehearsal is 3 hours or more. Most of them have diplomas or degrees in their instrument. We charge $500 for one session??? Zen Hai Siu Sei Yarn....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


One of my old acquaintances is now a band/instrument instructor. Free lancing I suppose.
He quitted from school teaching.

In a way, I kind of feel that's a very nice thing to do actually. And I wondered if I'd ever be put in any kind of position to quit my job and do some work involving music. In some way, I admire/envy him.
Anyway, I am again plagued with rehearsal timing problems. Sincerely, I want things to work out. I need to work with people to rehearse pieces and others need people to help in the sectionals; I'm so tired of this bouncing problem. It's like you are trying your best to do something better and something keeps tugging you back to the same problem, as if it was I who CREATED the problem.
There's something seriously wrong la. We are like picking pieces depending of availability. Whatever happened to the sourcing and planning of repertoire? It's like...

"Ok we need one more piece."

"ok let's see what we have in the cabinet."

"Ok this will do."

And we wait for the next performance and we go on another repertoire panic.

We have like a world-class conductor/composer, 2 tutors and none can generate something new!?!?!?

I tell you ah... cantonese say "MOH NGAN TAI" ah....
like sibei sian right?

I cannot understand it, and so I give up on it. It's like working with musicians who are not ready to INSPIRE/MOTIVATE the group members. It's that kind of mind set. - "Just do my job and whatever lah."

I just cannot stand the "get it done and over with" mentality.

While I am constantly sourcing for new stuff for Xpose, I simply comprehend why others cannot do the same. Aiya... talk also SAI HEI....

Friday, July 11, 2008


Haha... my 7-string guitar has finally arrived. Just picked it up yesterday!
The sound is pretty decent, the 7-string bass sounds a little like contrabass though. I was running through the notes in "Waltz of the flowers" and suddenly realised that there was a fret extension up to the 22nd fret! High D!

Previously I asked Yudi to help me ask if they made extension up to high C, Yudi got back to me to say that the asturias people don't do it. It was a little disappointing, since I thought I was making the guitar for the quartet, might as well solve all the range problems we encountered in our scores. But hey... I was so surprised to find the extension done nicely and beyond what we needed. Hahaha...

Must thank Shuhann for helping a lot in this... the looking and sourcing for the guitar, the negotiations and everything else. Without his grizzly intervention, I probably would be guitar-less for still quite some time yet.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


It was fun taking my kids for band practice today. Quite annoyingly, one of the lousiest sections are the flutes(ya my instrument right...). They are so out of tune, with such thin tone, brrrr.... can't help but *blink blink blink* at them... The clarinets are next to be grilled. Only the saxophones are good.

The brasses are really good too. Are they easier to master at teenage years?
Actually these kids quite a good sound, considering they come from a neighbourhood school with limited funds to provide them with instructors and all. Just for the record, they only have 2 instructors, one is the conductor and doubling as instructor, the other can only teach Brass.

I've been trying to convince the teacher-in-charge to move them to a concert band structure, currently a military/marching band make-up. But ya... again money is the concern. They are going to need the double reeds and the String Bass. And who's gonna teach them right? Oh well, we'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Speech therapy over the phone

Long weekends are no good for me. It takes a great deal of energy to re-start that momentum of school-going, early-morning waking etc. In between the many errands to run and lessons to carry out, I could still steal time off to do a in-house lunch delivery. Ok, not so bad. I'm actually becoming more and more mortal.

Just had a conversation with Robert over the phone. My oh my, I wonder how Wai or any of those comm guys does it. It's like listening to a native Japanese speak english over the telcos, wooo... I could hardly pick up what he was saying for the first 3 minutes. He was telling me about stuff and I was just trying NOT to say something completely off. Fortunately, my aural adaptation system was fully activated 3 minutes later, and all was smooth, ya maybe he slowed down a little too. Anyway, it was fun speaking to him.

There's so little time to do my "unfinished" arrangements. Sometimes I just wish there's someone to help me deal with the sibelius keying while i rattle off how I want the arrangement to go. Do they rent anyone or anything that can do this???

Monday, July 07, 2008

Saturday, July 05, 2008


Dragon Gate Guitar Ensemble, interesting name there. And these folks are not bad leh... they don't sound professional but certainly rather experienced. Good sound and nice technique too.

I noticed they are all quite elderly(right?), which actually tickled me...
Can you imagine that they are like "year 30" in GENUS? Hahhahaa =)

Their arrangements sound quite Niibori, only they shifted certain parts to the instrument parts they have available. Remember ZQ's difficult high arpeggio in Malaguena? They used an alto to play it. So in essence, the parts are split and jumbled.


Friday, July 04, 2008

ASEAN Song of Unity

I'm dumping this here in case some of you out there have not heard of this before.

To die for

Watch the conductor, the first few bars are to die for... what comes after is quite amusing too.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

GENUS @ Toa Payoh

Robert instructing the groups...

All perked up and attentive

The numbers are impressive...

Tried to do paranomic photographing, a little odd right? Perspective not appropriate since I'm standing on the right...

A little bit more about the rehearsals with TP counterparts. I always wonder who is the conductor for their group; perhaps he/she did not emphasise the importance of following the conductor. Our guys are pretty good at it, but not as clean in the preparation for HuanYing Vanakkam. Complacency?
TP's sound is very forthcoming and direct. It's a good thing because they don't have projection problems, but it also emphasizes their mistakes because they are too technical and not as musically aware of rhythm and tempi. GENUS produces careful and clean sounds, but some of the players have such a timid projection that it hardly brings forth any element of forte, hence limiting in expression and voice leading through the instrument.
Shucks can't get into backstage. Must be that AnyPig la. She's afraid I'll dirty the dressing room. Drats. Is there an encore telecast anytime soon?

Sleepy Hollow

I've been such a sleepyhead lately. What I mean is I can literally lie down on the floor and sleep for hours, yup, no pillow or blankets. At my workplace, I can sleep sitting on the chair too.

I don't like to sleep so much, but yes, I like to sleep. So just wondering whether it's a good thing or not...
It's been a while since I got out of the country. Not seeing and experiencing new ideas and things creates a hollow in me. There was a time I travelled a lot and was pleased to settle for a few quiet holidays. I think it's time to go again.

Anyway, there's still one thing in my head which I've not done. Backpacking!

I spoke to Raj about his recent trip to Japan, and I'm hoping he's keen to return there in December. I promised to sponsor my aunt on a trip to Nippon so most probably will set sail. Jin has mentioned before that he might make a trip there too... so I wonder if all this could tie up into a nice holiday?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The call

It started out as a feeling
Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
till it was a battle cry
I'll come back when you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
doesn't mean it's never been this way before
All you can do is try know who your friends are
as you head out to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
and follow the light
You'll come back when it's over
No need to say goodbye
you'll come back when it's over
no need to say goodbye

now we're back to the beginning
it's just a feeling and no one knows yet
Just because they can't feel it too
doesn't mean you have to forget

Let you memories grow stronger and stronger
till they're before your eyes
You'll come back when they call you
no need to say goodbye
You'll come back when they call you
no need to say goodbye

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

There are no accidents....

yet another nice animated film.

Which really reminds me that I must be conscious of the approach which I take to teach my students. In fact, I already see the hardworking Tigeress, the arrogant Leopard and the lazy Panda in my class.

Who do I like best in the movie? hahaha =) the Raccoon of course. Master Shifu!!!
Next is master Wu Gui!!!

You may have a mould, a dream for a student but this determination(or rigidness) is what makes you a good teacher, and yet a lousy one.

Hey hey hey!

Check it out!

TPGC is going performing at the Esp. Concert Hall this July and next Jan in Beautiful Sundays!

Their site really looks pro man. It's quite comparable to websites of many professional bodies.

I was contemplating on joining for their jan concert leh. Anyone want to join with me? After concert, we quit. On boh? Hahaha =)

Some ideas on Loy Krathong:

Firstly, the arrangement is grossly untraditional. A post-baroque revival or gamelan fusion, sort of. The Thai musicians' suggestion that the tempo be increased makes the arrangement difficult to play, and in my opinion, transmutes the piece to a 2-4 time signature, rather than the current 4-4.

Incidentally, I do suspect that a 2-4 is more folk-like(which the arranger overlooked, or intended to forgo), whearas a 4-4 tends to sound a little contemporary.

Anyway, the music now dazzles with the best of both worlds. Well, it's kinda like tea or coffee OR the Yuan1 Yang1(tea + coffee beverage). There's no absolute but if you are a music purist, then perhaps the new rendition may not be very palatable. Nonetheless, I sincerely think that the bass parts(the runs and floral parts all) ought to be re-written for blending's sake.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Marimba Madness

Some wonderful renditions on the marimba. Really got to give it to their wrists!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Big Thinker?

Your answers suggest you are a Big Thinker
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Big-Thinkers
Outspoken, ingenious and bored by routine
Think of themselves as talkative, curious and self-sufficient
May neglect the routine work required to make their plans successful
More about Big-Thinkers
Big Thinkers are always looking for the next big idea or opportunity. They’re adept at spotting trends and thinking on their feet. Big Thinkers like to jump in and find innovative solutions to complex problems and are good at developing strategies for the future.

In the UK, Big Thinkers are most likely to book a holiday at short notice, according to a nationwide survey.
Big Thinkers are usually curious, logical and energetic. This chatty group enjoys a good debate and asserting their opinions. Sometimes others may find the way they express their ideas too abrupt or challenging.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Big Thinkers may be rude, critical of others or rebellious. Under extreme stress, Big Thinkers can become preoccupied with unimportant details and lose sight of the 'big picture'.

Big Thinkers may ignore important details in their plans and overlook the impact their ideas have on the people around them.

Big-Thinker Careers
The entrepreneurial spirit of the Big Thinkers often leads them to seek new challenges; this is often more important to them than working in a particular field or a specific career.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Always with me

Things that happen in our lives, good or bad, will always live in our hearts.

Care 2 have a Brandy?

Pleasantly surprised when Jin & Mich told me that Brandenburg II was easier than Brandenburg III. In my humble opinion(previously), I didn't think so. I thought it's going to be harder. It needs to be rather fast for a lighter feel to be presented. Typically styled in ritornello form, the polyphonic interest is vast and very much optional to the listener, hence, balancing of voices becomes very important.

The youtube recording has some balancing problems. The trumpet is far too forthcoming and pleasant woodwinds are rather subdued. Perhaps it's because they are using period instruments though.

Here's another... a little too loud on the concertino side. too few continuo. Not enough baroque feel, a very contemporary interpretation.

Obviously amateur. The rushing is so intense.

The trumpet and recorder is so cool!!! the design I mean. Furious interpretation, nuances can still be caught, voicing/layering rather nice too!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"You must have the will. You must want the crescendo..."

"Must believe in the neutrality of the piano.... and it is its neutrality that opens up the opportunities for colour........."

"You come in a hair too soon, and that hair is as precious as what little I left on my head...."

"Don't rush when there's a clash! It's not a marriage dispute."

"Even when you return to the theme in the sonata form, it's in a completely different state. It's has memory now. It is anything but a mechanical repeat."

"Do you see the images when you play the music? Or hear the music when you see the images?"

"The repeat is a recollection. You emphasise when you built something, you don't emphasise when you recollect, else it loses its wonderness."

Friday, April 11, 2008

Daniel Barenboim

My idol says:

"The study of old instruments and historic performance practice has taught us a great deal, but the main point, the impact of harmony, has been ignored. This is proved by the fact that tempo is described as an independent phenomenon. It is claimed that one of Bach's gavottes must be played fast and another one slowly. But tempo is not independent! ... I think that concerning oneself purely with historic performance practice and the attempt to reproduce the sound of older styles of music-making is limiting and no indication of progress. Mendelssohn and Schumann tried to introduce Bach into their own period, as did Liszt with his transcriptions and Busoni with his arrangements. In America Leopold Stokowski also tried to do it with his arrangements for orchestra. This was always the result of "progressive" efforts to bring Bach closer to the particular period. I have no philosophical problem with someone playing Bach and making it sound like Boulez. My problem is more with someone who tries to imitate the sound of that time..."

He's really really great with his hands, conducting and playing alike... simply dazzling how he conducts and plays the piano... I'm really impressed with the nuances and expressions he expresses with his hands.... damn good!!!

Check out the Bolero. Berlin Phil is really good! Good sound, good balance, and a steady crescendo creeping in through the piece, without the audience actually noticing it. Fastastic concealing and control.

Concerto de Aranjuez! Williams and Berlin Phil

Friday, April 04, 2008


Andres Segovia

Who ah?

with small orchestra

Tuesday, April 01, 2008




雨 不停落下來
花 怎麼都不開
儘管我細心灌溉 你說不愛就不愛
我一個人 欣賞悲哀

愛 只剩下無奈
我 一直不願再去猜
鋼琴上黑鍵之間 永遠都夾著空白
缺了一塊 就不精采

緊緊相依的心如何Say Goodbye
我用背叛自己 完成你的期盼

把手放開不問一句Say Goodbye

心 有一句感慨
我 還能夠跟誰對白
在你關上門之前 替我再回頭看看
那些片段 還在不在

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Links for the some of the pieces

Some of the links I found of youtube for the next set of Xpose pieces.

Guys and gals, do take a look.

"Sheep May Safely Graze"

"By Loch and Mountain"

It's not the theme song from Kingdom Hearts, some guy just made this video with the piece. You'll find other versions on youtube, but they sound really horrible compared to this one.

"Carmen Fantasy for two Trumpets"

Very good trumpet duo!!! I was almost inspired to take up the trumpet!!!

"Brandenburg No. 3 - 3rd movement"

If Robert were to see this, we are doomed!!!


"Dance Boheme"

Wednesday, March 05, 2008




Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The recordings for the concert were hopeless. I telling you, after so many years of UCC concerts, till date, I've come to the conclusion that it's a horrible hall for any music work.

Their way of miking at UCC is simple. Capture every single damn sound from the instrument and then pump it through the hall speakers. Seriusly it doesn't work well this way. When I tried listening to the overall sound while the guys played Kansalesa, I knew it was pointless trying to balance the sound. From where the sound engineer was sittig, it looked like the players weren't even producing sound acoustically, most of the bulk of sound was from the speakers(digitised).

Anyone who is a musician would know that eventually we want to hear and record what the audience hear. But UCC has a knack for delivering recordings based on what the mike captures. I mean, what the hell, do they have brains or what. The unprocessed sound captured on the mike, without the hall's reverberations, sound like shit.

又死死 is hopeless.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

of Sheeps and Birds

I was surfing for some inspriation on "Sheep May Safely Graze" cantata 208 by Bach.
Came across this:

What the hell....

Leo once asked how a lousy concert band sounds like, well, there we are!

Anyway, this Harp version is not bad, except that it's improvised and rather short.

And I bumped into this piece called "A bird came flying"
Whoa, it's really nice. Mich should look for this piece, play it and called it "A Seagull came flying"!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


我和你啊 存在一种危险关系
彼此挟持 这另一部份的自己

相爱变成 猜忌怀疑的烂游戏
规则是要 憋着呼吸越靠越近

我不挣扎 反正我也没差

你满意吗 我们都别说谎



Monday, January 14, 2008




表演很成功. 虽然没有交响乐团的专业水准, 但我觉得我们又进步了.


老人邀请我们加入他的演奏会. 曲目不是很合口味. 不知怎样婉拒.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


最近感觉有一点兴奋,紧张. 期待已久的演奏会就要来了.


学习是无直径的. 不管是在指挥,演奏,编曲上, 我都希望能创新,突破.

