Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Speech therapy over the phone

Long weekends are no good for me. It takes a great deal of energy to re-start that momentum of school-going, early-morning waking etc. In between the many errands to run and lessons to carry out, I could still steal time off to do a in-house lunch delivery. Ok, not so bad. I'm actually becoming more and more mortal.

Just had a conversation with Robert over the phone. My oh my, I wonder how Wai or any of those comm guys does it. It's like listening to a native Japanese speak english over the telcos, wooo... I could hardly pick up what he was saying for the first 3 minutes. He was telling me about stuff and I was just trying NOT to say something completely off. Fortunately, my aural adaptation system was fully activated 3 minutes later, and all was smooth, ya maybe he slowed down a little too. Anyway, it was fun speaking to him.

There's so little time to do my "unfinished" arrangements. Sometimes I just wish there's someone to help me deal with the sibelius keying while i rattle off how I want the arrangement to go. Do they rent anyone or anything that can do this???

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