Monday, July 28, 2008

pirates of the CarriFeAn

After hearing it from SH and Barber, I checked my email and realised that in the meeting that I did not attend, whoever in the meeting has managed to morph my SYF concert idea into their use. Here's the interesting idea.

GENUS is going to charge 500 bucks for doing workshops with Sec. schools participating in the SYF, of course, with respect to their SYF pieces. And the money earned is going to be used to support the arrival and lodging of the german group performing with GENUS next June.

I'm a bit annoyed because, the workshop idea was one of the proposals I submitted to Jacey for Xpose's concert. I have also talked about it with Robert once when he called me regarding the concert plans for GENUS. What I had in mind was that, we invite students(the good ones) to perform with us, do a bit of piece analysis and technique stuff with them in a few sessions. In turn, they purchase the tickets for our concert.

Anyway, it didn't feel right when they use my proposal for their own use without asking. Much less it's when part of the money earned goes to Robert's composition and the German group. I mean, CFA should pay for Robert's composition if they want it to be premiered.

Why should the players fund-raise for the conductor's composition?

How can GENUS charge for workshops, considering their standard now?
(I think some JC/schools are better loh.)

Local band instructors may charge up to 1000 bucks per month. and that's like 3 sessions per week, each rehearsal is 3 hours or more. Most of them have diplomas or degrees in their instrument. We charge $500 for one session??? Zen Hai Siu Sei Yarn....

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