After reading Yen's entry on the case of the "inverted" bars, here's my take:
We sometimes fail to see the other positive aspects of the comm. I think the comm faces a different scenario from what we had last time. I mean, who was the oldest in the group? Renjie? or Karmun? In extremely low numbers and they are only year 6 then. I think the ratio of seniors and juniors can significantly change the under-workings of a committee.
With our experience and relevant years in the ensemble, it's not difficult to be irritated about certain things which we take as the "norm" and for granted. And we tend to think we've done a good job previously because we're no longer doing the job now. This "been there done that" feel. I'm pretty sure Ruby will find it bothersome to stick scores for the ensemble now; that's a few hundred bars we are talking about. yeah, it's an easy job, but not exactly a very motivational one though.
On a “musical” note, Pris probably should have re-printed the score, at least for archival sake.
It's always easy for the by-standers to throw in comments and stuff but who is willing to make the individual effort to change something? We could assume they are in the comm, and they would assume we are year 8, 9, 10 seniors; who has more social responsibility to make the ensemble a better group?
Even Hiong Gai Gai can tell me 3 weeks before concert that he's not playing because he can't reach the venue on time. (mind you, he drives.) So how can I ever assume and expect that a year 2 comm member is going to pour every ounce of blood and soul into his/her comm work???
I prefer to think and reconcile that we all have some differences and we'll work our way through these issues with some patience and negotiation. I’m glad that GENUS is still moving on musically under the baton of Robert, and there are some very impressive committed members amongst our committee as well. For instance, Derek has always been helpful and supportive in helping Expose get venues for rehearsals and sectionals. The PMs also came to help with the stores during our concert. Daren also helped with the collation of the feedback forms. Such generous acts should not be taken for granted and we should be thankful for the presence of these gracious juniors.
P.S. Be careful when you speak to Pris now. You make get electronically insulted over email by some lunatic in case you say something inappropriate.