Thursday, May 31, 2007


dot hack is really quite one cheeeeemmm game. Quite resembling xenosaga actually, on some level, full of riddles and speech encryption. But, I find it more interesting than going on preventing some dumbass self-conceited king from his world domination scheme.

I haven't caught any of the animes yet. It is said to give a better and more complete picture, though I've tried to read up some info through net sources.

The collection of data for AI.
Is it possible to anticipate all possibilities of human choice and reaction?

The 8 phases from .hack//infection, outbreak, mutation, quarantine:


There's been a recent increase in the number of deaths caused by trees or branches of trees. Seems like the media report them with plenty of zeal and concern.
Seriously, I can't imagine how that happens.

Ok, if you are asleep, I guess it's sheer bad luck.

But if not, there should be some sonic indication that the branch or the trunk is falling??? No?
Especially if it's the whole falling trunk. The inertia possessed by the flora itself would provide quite good time to escape, unless of course, there's nowhere to run to.

Well, it's not that I'm not sympathetic. Just really curious how it happens, and unable to imagine the process of it all. I gotta prepare some defense mechanisms against tree falling in my next trekking trips!

And just last week I was showing my science class how falling trees serve as a chance for forest floor to survive and revive!


本想去送机, 不知不觉地就9点多了. 从汉祥那得知即将起飞, 便打消了送机的念头.


Sunday, May 27, 2007


I had the chance of seeing a primary 3 kid fly his fingers on Czardas yesterday night, accompanied by his dad. It was most remarkable to see such splendid sub-divisions and tempo. The father remarked that the kid is only 9 years old at the end of the performance.

可以明白他望子成龙的心切. 但希望音乐不失陶冶性情的本质.

身为教师, 也希望学生也能把学习视为对自己的一种进步,成长. 成绩只是衡量学习的尺度, 不是奠定才华的工具.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What a lousy catch

I say sometimes MOE really select lousy people to become school leaders.

I don't know what's the selection criteria, but my current VP definitely doesn't qualify, in my humble opinion. Inconsiderate, bossy, loud-mouthed and temperamental are some of her deadly signs of aging. She enjoys chairing meetings which she perpetually dominates any form of conversion and discussion, forcing an involuntary matriachy. Poor time management, as she thinks everyone is just like her, with no life after working hours, her meetings are usually dragged overtime and complete with her re-asserting her statue and opinion on whoever is present in that hellish gathering.

I've had some 'nice' confrontations with her and I'm glad to say we both know when to steer clear of each other. Frankly speaking, after a some verbal sparring with a VP, HODs all appear like little goblins and pixies, all too fragile.

Perhaps I should aim for the cluster superintendent next.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


今天听到了新闻, 说什么殴斗事件增加, 三分之二是学生, 而理由是支援不足.
居然还有什么辅导官在那里乱吠, 说什么老师如果只是叮咛学生们不要欺负同学, 是不够的.
我也同意是不够的, 但教育部都已经剥夺了老师教训学生大半的权利, 老师有能做什么?
骂他, 又说不够. 打他, 又不准. 辅导他, 又不一定有效, 而且耗费时间.

将管教学生的权力放在父母身上, 却又把管教学生的工作放在老师身上, 这是教育部最失败的方针.
教育就好象养孩子,养花养草一样, 并不能够只用一种方法去拟定,实践. 什么学生该罚,该打, 如果这么简单的系统与执行权都不能落在执行者手上, 信任何在? 一个不包含信任的系统, 又怎么培育出正直的下一代?

你不给我兵器, 我怎么上战场?

有时候, 亲自出手打骂学生, 最痛的却也是老师的心.