Saturday, April 30, 2011

1st concert with winds and brasses

I felt rather good about the performance. It's like some milestone, having playing in
1. a cello concerto
2. with a world class soloist
3. with me on the guitar (with winds, brasses, percussion, double bass)

Frankly, I felt like I was playing some solo in the work as well; when the overall timbre of the guitar was so different from the winds, and not to mention that at several concertino spots with the soloist.

A rather positive experience, as it has strengthened my love for music and the guitar.
Interestingly, this is also the first time I performed on Guitar at the Esplanade. (Usually I just waving my hands; I think all my guitars friends have performed there many more times!)

Hope many more of these chances drop by.

Friday, April 22, 2011


误打误撞有幸观赏了三个荣誉金,一银, 一铜。


Thursday, April 21, 2011





融合的话, 也许是锦上添花。

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

What a sickness can teach you

For future record. In 2011,

1st April (Fri): after downing a Mac Heaven & Earth Green Tea(served by mistake from an Ice Lemon Tea order), something fishy at the throat already. After NIE Band, yes, I could feel the on set of a sore throat.

2nd April(Sat): Sore throat confirmed, and pulsations of fever started in the early afternoon, which eventually culminated into semi-flu in the evening. That caused me a lot of money. Because I usually use good food to drown the unpleasant feeling of sickness.(and celebrations for Jin were on-going.) Mahjong session ensues with no delay or hesitation; and yes, 自摸 十三幺! Lovely 九万!

3rd April(Sun): As predicted, more or less nearing the full bloom of the entire viral festival. Yes, flu is on set, feverish, topped with a phlemy cough. I just hope that the mucus doesn't trickle into my wind instruments... Thank heavens, everything was smooth!

4th April(Mon): Smack right in the middle of the cycle, which is a fever, nasty cough and occasional flu. Costly sickness, broke my perfect score in a music theory test for not inverting a diminished chord in the morning. *Drats* Prof. literally said: "Not as perfect as the last time." "I'm gonna sit you out!", I thought as I left school. And I sat through it at the conference hall while pseudo-judging the bands that played. =)

5th April(Tues): No more fever, mild cough, and just a nasal voice due to a stuck nose. I think I've won! and tomorrow I'll be free and virally stronger for the rest of the year! Muahahahahha!

After-thought: I only felt the fever return to me after I finished performing Satyagraha.

Verdict: Music is miraculous.



除了和其中一位中二女生非一般亲密; 聊天, 散步, 上厕所就占了多数时间.

校友乙 (男): 一副没教养, 没礼貌, 又爱出头的胖子. 是校友甲因被我请到食堂而搬来的救兵.
擅长流氓式的逻辑思想, 例如:用身体挡路, 不断的重复一些词语, 不断的挑衅,不断的干扰和介入与他无关的对话. 虽比我年轻, 但坚持我是学校的"新人", 要尊重校友.


该校如果有新校长任职, 也该拜会拜会这一卦人马, 否则让人说不懂敬老尊贤.