Thursday, July 27, 2006

Civil Service shit

The she-borg brought in a public service division officer to give a talk yesterday. Unbelievable, she actually went on and on on how the civil service selects and grooms leaders. Unbearably boring. And the irony of it is when she said that several civil service sectors actually make their employees do compulsory National Education courses; high flyers are also required to do community service so that they don't forget the grassroots. Hilariously absurd. Don't you think it's totally wrong?

I'm really starting to see why that she-borg behaves that way. MOE HQ is a alien hive.

Interested to lose your humanity?


北海道的大黑熊 said...

com'on lah! everybody knows the ministries churn out these programmed, brain-washed, robots, who scores Distinctions in their exams, but knows zilch about LIFE and its intricacies...

just look at the way these so-called 'scholars' brainstorm and roll out those "wonderful" plans...where else can you find beautiful things like COE, ERP, ICT.. ops. :P

Oh, but i dont think they're Aliens lah. They're simply homo sapiens who mastered the Great 3-finger art! Huo-huo-huo-huo-huo-huo-huo-huo!

Anonymous said...

To stay in the management stratosphere, one must learn to breath and talk, as well as toe the lines, amongst them.

In fairness sake, the visions and objectives are usually good, except for the imbeciles in-charge of carrying them out. They probably dun have an inkling what's mundane life is like, and can't find a model solution in the ten-year series.