Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Engine warming up

Life’s been pretty much a whirlwind these few weeks really. I have actually spent a lot more time with my students over the past month, activities ranging from fights at other secondary schools and chalet at Downtown East just last week.

Am not going to blabber on the details, I’ve got enough of the neck/heart pulsations as it is now. Fortunately, my staff lounge has a blood pressure device available and it seems I’m in optimal condition.

Didn’t mean to slave drive on Saturday, but it just seems like I need to clean up quite a bit of parts for the music here and there. Oh well, partly my fault, perhaps I was over ambitious to dump so much new repertoire into the Esplanade performance; if we had relied on our usual play-till-rotten pieces, maybe it would be better. But I was thinking, what the heck, since the people are gonna learn some pieces, might as well be new ones. In fact, I was on the verge of distributing the first 5 pieces of Carmen Suite No. 1 last Sat, for fun reading; of which later I thought perhaps not, less I get maimed unknowingly. I’ll give them out after the Esplanade episode. Well X-posed people, if you are reading this, practise hard and be prepared to practise harder!

Oh well, back to my whirlwind!

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