Monday, March 20, 2006


Heard from Shuhann that Pris was wondering why I didn't say much during the AGM. In fact, I was also quite silent (or so I thought) during the Small ensemble meeting prior to the AGM.
Well I think it has come to a point where I believe that time can be better spent on something else, and I've decided not pro-long everyone's agony.

Common pitfalls of AGMs:
1. The usual bulk of time during AGM is always spent talking about the past, and hardly anything pertaining to the future.
2. Nominees are not well prepared beforehand, constantly rejecting posts and gesticulating about how incapable/useless they are, which I seem to agree, gradually, after being innoculated about the same point, person after person.
3. Ridiculous planning, I see Marie running in and out of the DT like a frantic Maria, Zhao Jin hurrying along the elections, like Chinatown sales during Chinese New Year.
4. Elected personnels are made to sit in front of the spectators. Weird.
5. Current committee members are all seated with the audience, which in fact they should up there chairing the meeting. Everyone of them.
6. Loss of prestige to office holders; "By the way(!?!?), Priscilla is the librarian." While the rest continue to pack and stack up chairs.
7. Refreshments not catered for, expect people to sit there for hours.
8. Where's the bloody Music Director?
9. Committee members put on and give out a "get it done and over with" or "phew, I'm finally out of this" aura. Hardly surprising why everyone rejects almost everything.

Ya know, sometimes things are really strange. I particularly liked the AGM which Leo's comm got elected. Somehow, the nominees are well-prepared and very enthusiastic to take over, though the office was handed over from Shirleen's comm, which was ahem..... rather "spectacular spectacular"...

I think Zhiqiang's comm has done pretty well too, except a few phantom ones which I wonder if they could even play their concert pieces or not. There was much thought into many matters though not all matters were handled with style. Well, com'on, we're all learning.

The issues which I would potentially highlight at the AGM are:
1. Sales of the Annual Concert. had they listened to me and devoted on concerted effort to the March concert, perhaps we would have raised more funds.
2. Purchase of new instruments
3. Purchase of new scores
4. Small group management/development of juniors
5. Committee attendance for rehearsals
6. Review of the issue of quitting rates of juniors during Timeless Classics period.
7. Attendance of juniors(figures to be presented, who's monitoring?)
8. Review of the need for sectionals
9. Job scope of Section Leaders
10. Role of AC and CM
11. Downsizing of comm/New positions for comm
12. Role of tutors in the new year


1 comment:

北海道的大黑熊 said...

you know.. u're absolutely right in saying that AGM should not be time wasted on dwelling on issues past and over.. but that's also why its crucial to raise certain suggestions regarding the FUTURE, during AGM, so that the NEXT comm can look into it.

My one grouse is that we really should elect the new comm first before talking about these suggestions/opinions. So that the relevant guys can take note. otherwise, most ppl will simply bo-chap.

One last thing.. i think the silly nomination day/process ought to be done much better to avoid embarrassing situations during AGM elections. *sigh*