Friday, January 13, 2006

Parang's Point of View

Taking the tie issue up with a teacher is not going to help in any productive way. An opinion voiced and that's really about it. If the student is so irked by the attire, she should have headed straight to the principal's office, or worked out a student petition of some sort.

I'm not convinced that Physics is my most adored subject in my life. Neither is math. If possible, I would rather do less of both. But in teaching, the essence is really about imparting a skill/knowledge, a spark. And we need people to do that. You don't necessary have to possess 100% devotion towards the topic.

The students may not like the choices they have but they still have choices. Yes, they can choose to heck care and do what they want, they can choose to leave the school, choose not to come to the school, choose to run away from the teacher etc. Make the best of the one's available options yah? Part and parcel of life, and through it the youth will learn to cope with other challanges in life.

"no absolute, no good, no bad, no God, no sin", rather gospel-like, perfect for a RPG cult motto or creed of some sort. Nirvana?


北海道的大黑熊 said...

We have learnt from the "Matrix":
1) The problem is "choice"
2) Nobody can see pass the "choices" they don't understand (this is serious.. not even the Oracle could do that)


And as for ~ "no absolute, no good, no bad, no God, no sin"~

How about GODZILLA? yeah.. no good, no bad, no absolute (his size varies quite a fair bit..esp. the Hollywood version). And "god" is "zil" lah! As for "sin".. what sin? :PP

Anonymous said...

"But in teaching, the essence is really about imparting a skill/knowledge, a spark. And we need people to do that. You don't necessary have to possess 100% devotion towards the topic."

eh...but in 'teaching' values, should I at least stand for the topic I'm teaching?

"Make the best of the one's available options yah? Part and parcel of life, and through it the youth will learn to cope with other challanges in life."

yah lah but then why are we punishing or reprimanding students for making their choice, be it silly or stupid? I understand, but how to make them understand leh?

reply here leh, else your whole blog about teaching...we need more updates about your secret lover!!

"no absolute, no good, no bad, no God, no sin" ...Devil-May-Cry perhaps? Keke... Eh ShuHann Godzilla not really that happening in this era you know, think we got generation gap...

Owls said...

Ya, you may stand up for a value but perhaps not in totality? Like you said there's no absolute. I don't agree with fighting in class, but I do admire those who fight in class for a good cause.

When a teacher catches a student for eyelid stud, he/she is just following what's been laid out by society norms which shape the leaders in education as well.

How to make the students understand? Through praise and punishment? You answer for the choices you make. Everyone on Earth is entitled to exhibit defiance towards rules and norms in many ways. You just answer for your choices in life.

I just think the student should have done something more constructive than to take the "tie issue" up with the teacher. It's not as if the idea actually originated from the teacher.

There's always a tussle of good and evil in the universe, defined in everyone's own way. perhaps that's what you mean by "no good no bad no absolute". Like in music, we're always talking about BALANCE!