Thursday, January 05, 2006


Yesterday, Dad suddenly called me in the evening and asked me to choose the colour of my new car! HUH!?!?! What new car!?!?! I was very surprised, considering I was working on the FF VII medley, in school around 5 plus, packing up soon to go home. Nonetheless, decided to let him choose the colour instead, since I could sense over the phone he was all gleeful about the one in black, which in the catalogue was crowned nicely as Ebony.


Then felt a little moody about giving up my current Toyota Spacio, which I’ve been riding around since August 1998… even to the extent of wondering why Dad went to that decision without even consulting me.


Of course, senses came back, and I started to appreciate what a wonderful thing Dad has done. He’s been always so nice to me, even though on the surface he may seem really indifferent to what I do, where I go. I wondered if I could be as generous, caring and accomodating as him to my own children.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT THE FUCK! NEW CAR! And you didn't even have to ask....

Oh yah, did you request for a vehicle with equivalent or more luggage space?

Retaining number plate?