Monday, February 20, 2006

2 Sides of the same coin(Rebirth)

I recieved a SMS from Jingli asking me if I'm taking extra sectionals for Prime on Tuesday evening from 1730 to 2100. I was like "huh"??? Anyway, I took the initiative to check out the rehearsal time and got it settled.

(The text below shall be gentle, please do take much heed, if your name happens to be Zhiqiang. This is the divine chantings of Seraphic OWLS, read at your own pleasure.)

To my dearest Zhiqiang:

I need your help here. I'm doing you a favour since you asked me personally if I could help with the Prime juniors. So perhaps you could help to co-ordinate with the juniors and monitor their progress as well. Jingli is not from Prime so it may not be wise to let her do the liason. Perhaps you could take more ownership.

It is not a good sign that your comm meetings go into sectional time. It may be reflective that you are not scheduling well or the meetings aren't effective enough. With the upcoming concert, we really need you to attend the small ensemble practices. Time management is the key.

I do not see the purpose of a verbal introduction of a small group piece. If we could schedule groups to play for ensemble, just like what Guitaresque did, it will prove more beneficial and the ensemble members will get to listen to the music as well.

Yours sincerely,
Seraphic OWLS


Anonymous said...

I think Death sounds more sincere. What's Rebirth without Death?

Anonymous said...

I F***ING prefer Death version too.

Can feel the sincerity by the author.


北海道的大黑熊 said...

yeah, definitely sounds fake - i'm referring to the "rebirth" version. THAT simply cant be OWLS lah..

Death! Death! Death!

Wai said...

I've always thought the devil was supposed to be a very well-spoken chap...